Reply to feedback

Posted by Bill

Happy New Year again! Can’t believe it’s 2015.

I’ve gotten some feedback of late about the blog. It seems that there are more people reading it than I ever expected, which keeps me motivated. There are also quite a few people reading that don’t really know me or my warped sense of humor, like the Ass Captain awards. This is not something that is derived from a feeling of superiority, as yours truly will receive more Ass Captain awards than are handed out to others. It is mostly poking fun at people doing stupid stuff, usually relating to lack of knowing better. When it comes to boating and cruising, one never stops doing stupid stuff and learning, so there is plenty of opportunity to award the Ass Captain. If you ever saw the movie Office Space and heard the term Ass Clown, you will understand!

Secondly, I know the last several blogs are late and I haven’t updated the map of where we have been…sorry. It takes around 2 hours to go through the pictures we take each day, upload for the blog, and then write the blog for the day. On days we travel I don’t always have enough time. Also, when we anchor out, I don’t always have enough battery power to keep the laptop charged. So, thanks for being patient, and thanks for being so interested in what we are doing!


6 thoughts on “Reply to feedback

  1. Harry

    Happy New Year to you both! We love reading your blog and look forward to it daily. No pressure! Relax and enjoy the ride. I was pondering your alternator problem and did some research. The fact that the problem is so erratic hints that a loose wire is the cause, especially since it seems to have fixed itself! I fear you might have that problem again one day if you don’t find it. Good luck and fair winds!

    1. bwehmer Post author

      Thanks for the troubleshooting help Harry. A couple of days ago while the engine was running, I accidentally turned the ignition key slightly off. I noticed that the alternator was not charging any more but the engine was still running. I didn’t know that the key panel was part of the circuit until then and plan to look for corrosion, etc…. I’ll bet you are right and that the panel is involved!

  2. Jim & Jackie Anderson

    Happy New Year from the Anderson’s! Been busy busy busy but think of you often. Just caught up on the blog. Your trip sounds awesome! As soon as you know your schedule around Big Pine Key let us know and we can offer you some terafirma. Happy Sailing!

    1. bwehmer Post author

      Good hearing from you two! Glad all is well. We will need to make a decision in a week about the Keys vs Bahamas. If we go Keys we will be looking you up for sure.

  3. Jessica- your daughter

    Did someone seriously comment on your Ass Captain Awards? I am glad you are getting a lot of followers, but you shouldn’t have to explain yourself. Screw them šŸ˜‰

    1. bwehmer Post author

      Thanks for the support daughter youngest…lol! You know me…I’ll always have my warped sense of humor and would never let anyone keep me from expressing it. I wanted to put something out because there are so many people following this blog that we never met, which blows my mind that anyone wants to read my shit, let alone total strangers. I only had a couple of comments, but it made think I needed to set a basis for everything that has been said and will follow. Glad you are still reading it. Love you bunches and miss you more than I can express. Love Dad.


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