Daily routine at the end of D Dock

Southport NC
Posted by Bill

We don’t have too many daily routines, but one of them is to have happy hour and the end of our series of docks, D Dock. We take beach chairs and cocktails, watch the boats go in and out of the marina, watch the boats go up and down the ICW, watch big ships pass by as they go up and down the Cape Fear River, and especially watch the pelicans dive for their dinner. It is a great view when there are no boats on the end of the dock, nor on the fuel dock:
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The pelicans are the best. They float along about 30 feet above the water until they see something in the water, then stall and dive straight down into the water, at the last second tucking their wings. They seem to always catch something. Some days they give us a great show, diving right in front of us. Most days there are around 10 or so of them doing their thing around us.

Sometimes we get to see some “not so skilled” docking maneuvers as boaters come in for fuel, and we have witnessed a couple of crashes into other boats. Also, in the last week we saw some pretty impressive yachts and a Coast Guard tug and barge:
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As the Coast Guard boat approached the marina entrance, I thought, “there is no way they will maneuver that mess into this marina without an incident”. I was wrong, and it was impressive to see them do it. Just in case you are interested in parting with a few of your hard earned dollars…the yacht Steffo that is pictured, is available for charter for $95,000 per week plus expenses! If you pull the trigger, please come and visit us!!!

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