Somewhere in the ICW, SC
Position: 33 05.384N, 79 25.404 W
Posted by Tricia

So for years we have been reading blogs by other people saying that they see dolphins in their wake. I was starting to think it was an urban legend that people perpetuated to con unsuspecting sailors into becoming cruisers.   One of the many benefits of giving up most of the creature comforts in life. We have seen a few dolphins here and there, but today we hit the jackpot. We had a few dolphins that traveled with us for about half an hour this morning. We thought it was one dolphin switching from one side of the boat to the other, but later we saw about 4 of them swimming together after they left us. It was the coolest thing. They were so close to the boat, we could have reached out and touched them. We only wished the kids and grandkids were here to see them. Flipper making an appearance was truly spectacular.

Here are a few of the pictures that show proof that this really does happen!
Dolphins playing in the creek:

Closer than at Seaworld:

Yes Virginia, there really is a dolphin by the boat:

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