Catskill, NY
Position: 42 12.7N, 73 51.6W
Posted by Bill
Whew, what a long day! We tried to start early because we knew we had a tough day ahead of us. We had 2 locks in addition to the final flight of 5 (5 locks one right after the other that drop you 150 feet). Then we had 35 miles to traverse in the Hudson River to get to the marina that is putting the mast back up. We awake at 6 to fog…
This was before it got really bad
So we wait until it lifts and get off to an 8:00 start instead of 7:00. Then we had to lock through with some moron power boat the entire way out. Idiot!
We needed to make it to our destination by 5 to get a dock and we had just enough time. Only problem is tidal current. The Hudson River has a 3 to 3 1/2 foot tidal range and we are motoring into a flow cycle (tide coming in). The current was 1-1 1/2 knot current and we had it against us until the last hour of the trip. We ended up getting to the marina at 6:15. Fortunately, the people at Riverview Marine gave me a slip to get into after hours. So we made it.
Glad that we did the canal, but also glad that we don’t have any more locks to deal with. I am also anxious to get the mast back on and be a sailboat again.
Here are some pics of the trip today:
This was a cool arch next to where we docked in St Johnsville.
Another view of the Mohawk River from early this morning. Loved this section of the canal for it’s beauty.
This is a guard gate in the canal.
They are spaced throughout the canal to close the waterway in case of flooding or major debris from storms. All but one was open and you just cruise through. For the closed one you had to call the next lock to have it raised.
If you are locking down, this is the view of entering a lock. On most of the locks you see the tops of the trees when you enter and the bottoms when you exit.
This is what it looks like exiting lock 4. This was a pretty good drop.
This is lock 4 with the boat in the picture to lend some perspective.
This is looking back on the Federal Lock at Troy NY, our last lock.
Several of the locks looked this way at the bottom. You can see the lock on the right and a dam on the left.
The whole lock system was really amazing and the people running it do a great job.
Now in the Hudson River, this is a view of downtown Troy, NY.
Red Neck Yacht Club on the Hudson.
Cool bridge and view on the Hudson.
This is a light house in the middle of the Hudson River.
Congrats on finishing the first step!!
Thanks Jerry!
We’ll be in NYC this afternoon, when will you be sailing through?
Should be tomorrow. We may anchor at Ellis Island depending on several things. Will text you.